Wednesday, 9 November 2022

My Wanderings - 93 Shrimad Bhaghwatgita as I understood it Part -3

My Waderings - 93

Shrimad Bhagwatgita as I understood it 
to rediscover my Father Late  Dr.Sham Lal Kaul who was an  ardent lover of it.
Part -3 

              Shrikrishna taught earlier about the vision of the true nature of the soul . This can be achieved by doing karma yoga, after having the true knowledge about soul . This realization of true knowledge of the soul is necessary to adopt Bhakti yoga , which is the means for attaining the supreme goal, Narayana , who is the sole cause of the universe , who is omniscient , who is eternal  controller of everything and who has everything for his body .
             Then Shrikrishna tells Arjuna about himself and also about his distinctive form and how he is different from all living and nonliving things. The matter or Prakriti is divided into eight principles as Earth, Water, Fire , Air, ether (Akasha ), Mind , Intellect and Ego . You must know that all these eight principles and also other things like Tan matras which constitute sense of  taste , smell, sight, sound and   touch etc. , Gyan indeiyas and karma indriyas belong to me only. 
                The nonliving(Achetana) prakrati is actually inferior to the living one like (Chetana )or soul , but both belong to me . It is the soul that sustains and supports the body . The nonliving things are objects of enjoyment and living things enjoy them.

                All beings , starting from Bramha downwards to grass are born out of the combination of chetana and achetana . The chetna I.e soul takes the body of deva, man , animal etc. In accordance with their past karma . Both chetans and achetans belong to me and thus everything is mine.
There is nothing greater or higher than me . I am the highest,  being the cause of both chetans and achetans . They all merge in me in a very subtle form during  Maha pralaya  and evolve out of me after the  Mahapralaya. So I am the cause of everything. I am the Supreme person , possessing knowledge ,Power, strength and such other qualities . So, there is no one, who is superior to Me. Since everything forms my body , and I am the inner soul of all beings, I alone exist. 

             I am the special taste in water. I am the brightness in the moon and sun. I am the pranava , the OM in all the vedas. I am the sound in ether or Akasa. I am the potent force in men . I am pleasant smell in the earth and the heat in the fire. All the things that exist in this world is dependent on me but I am not dependent on them.

                       Some people worship me  for obtaing wealth and luxuries I.eAaishwarya .  some others worship me  to realise  the pure and real nature of soul. This state is called Kaivalya . A few wise men who know me and my greatness desire to attain Me only , as the highest object of attainment . 
The wise man who wants me only is the highest form of devotee because other two categories of people consider me means to achieve their goals  and they remain attached to me only till attainment of their desires.    I am extremely dear to such a man, who wants me only,  and he is also extremely dear to me. 

                      I take my human form during avatars out of my own free will and kindness,  so that people may take refuge in me . But the foolish people get deluded by my outer form . They think that I am also just like any one of them. Hence such people don't know I am the Supreme person. 

         The three types of people as already explained who want 1. Luxuries ie Ashwarya 
2. Realization of soul I.e Kaivalya
 3. Who desire to attain me , the  Lord only .
People who want Aishwarya should know Adhibhuta and Adhideva . 
The people who want vision of pure soul separated from Prakrati I.e Kaivalya should know three things 1. Brahman 2. Adhiyatma 3.karma .
All the categories of people mentioned above should know Adhiyajna and also remember me, the Lord at the time of death. 

        Then Arjuna asks Shrikrishna to explain him regarding the terms Brahman, Adhyatma , Karma , Adhibuta , Adhidaiva and Adhiyajna . 
Then Krishna replies that Brahman is the soul in its state of purity, free from Prakrati . As soul is eternal and indestructible , it is called a Brahman , as a matter of courtesy . The real Brahman is myself , the Supreme Lord .
One's own nature , dwelling with the soul is called Adhyatma. The five elements or panch bhutas like air,fire, water,earth and akasa in their subtle form remain with the soul even after death when  it goes to swarga and so on . These subtle elements leave the soul only when he attains Moksha. So this Adhyatma consists of subtle elements and subtle impressions Vasna ,which are carried from previous births. They remain attached to the soul. A person who seeks Kaivalya I.e vision of his pure soul , should know both this brahman i.e Soul and the Adhyatma. The Brahman has to be attained and the Adhyatma has to be given up. 
The discharge of the creative fluid by man from the Male organ in to the body of female beings is called Karma. So this Karma should be regarded by the seeker of Kaivalya as hate worthy , mean and should be avoided. The Adhibuta means panch bhutas or five elements along with subtle elements Tan mantras viz.sound, touch ,sight ,taste and smell attached to them . These are all changeable and perishable . So persons who seek wealth i.e Ashwarya should understand and attain them, which will give them superior but temporary pleasure. 
The Pursha is the individual Soul or Jivatma . He is called Adhidevta  because he becomes superior to all the Devas like Indra and Prajapati. He also enjoys and gets superior pleasures than indira and Prajapati because of worshiping me the Supreme  Lord. So the seeker after wealth, the Ashwarya should understand and mediate on Adhidevta. 
Adhiyajna means one, who  is the object of worship through yajnas. 
So I , the lord , am known as Adhiyajna . Indra and other Devas constitute my body and I am their inner soul. So I am the person who is actually worshiped by Yajnas. 
Summing up , 
1. The seeker of Aishwarya should know Adhibhuta , Adhidaivita and Adhiyajna.
2. The seeker of Kaivalya should know Brahman, Adhyatma , karma and Adhiyajna.
3. The seeker of Lord should know Adhiyajna .
 A person who at the time of death , thinks of Me alone and gives up the body and departs from this world, he attains my state i.e my Nature. 

          Then Shrikrishna tells Arjuna, the main secret of attaining the Supreme Lord through Bhakti yoga. Th Supreme Lord i.e Shrikrishna can be even directly perceived , when worshipped with extreme devotion. Bhakti means worshipping the lord with devotion. So, Bhakti itself,  being in the nature of always thinking about the lord, brings bliss and happiness.People who do not have faith and eagerness to practise this Bhakti , although they are fit to do so, do not attain me.It is the means for attaining me. By not doing this Bhakti yoga , such people do not attain me.

               Besides worshipping me they also take efforts in doing works connected with me , like construction of my temples, flower gardens and so on. With loving devotion they prostrate before me in the temples etc.They thus prostrate on the earth like stick with out caring for the dust, mud ,stones etc. on the ground. Thus knowing me as the inner soul of all chetans and achetans , the great people worship me. Those who worship me, attain me. I am without beginning and end . I am omniscient . I am an ocean of innumerable auspicious  qualities . My bliss and happiness are unbounded . After attaining me and such endless bliss , such people do not return to world. Om tat sat Bramha.
To be concluded

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