My Wanderings -92
Shrimad Baghwat Gita as I understood it
Part - 2
Then Srikrishna says further to Arjuna, " A person does various activities . He also knows the true nature of soul , as an agent of these activities, done by the will of lord. So he has this knowledge while doing Karma . In other words he sees knowledge in karma .Similarly, a person who meditates on his soul , also does the prescribed actions . So he sees and does karma in knowledge I.e while meditating on the soul. So , a person who sees knowledge in karma and who sees karma in knowledge is really the wise person , who is also fit to attain Moksha.
A person should not have any desire for fruits . He should have his mind and intellect firmly under control . He should give up the feeling of possession and ownership , in regard to the material objects which he possesses. Such a person does not incur any sin . He does not get involved in world, by doing work , necessary for maintaining the body and the like. He sees the soul by karma yoga of this kind , with out the aid of Gyana yoga.
He should not have hatred towards others. He should realise that whatever unpleasant thing has happened to him is due to his own past karmas and others are not responsible for the same.
A person should be clear in mind that soul is not the cause of his own actions . It is the body only , which is the cause of his actions. His mind should also realise that soul is not the doer and we do work only because of association with the body, as a result of past karmas . Thus realizing the soul is it's own master and is at peace. It neither does any actions nor does it get the actions done through the body .
The people performing the yoga , give up attachment to swarga and such other temporary fruits.They do such work which can be done by the body, the mind , the intellect and the senses to attain the purification of soul I.e for destroying the bondage of past karmas. It is this past karmas which stand in realization of the true nature of soul.
Then ShriKrishna describes the true nature of the liberated soul , which is not bound by karmas I.e which is liberated from the bondage of samsara ; is such that it does not make efforts to do a thing. It does not do works . It does not also get attached to the fruits of its actions.
People who have a steady desire , to realise the soul , who regularly practice for the realization of soul , who regard this realization as their highest goal in life, such people get their previous sins washed away by such a knowledge and finally attain the soul, from where there is no return. The soul is called Brahman here, out of respect and courtesy, because, in it's pure liberated state , the soul attains all the auspicious qualities of Supreme Lord.
A person who understands the true nature of soul sees no difference in mud , stone and gold. He also does not see any difference in Friends and enemies .In the developed stage of yoga , the person realizes his similarity with me I.e Lord on account of his soul also being of uncontracted knowledge , when liberated like mine. He worships me firmly as existing in all beings . A person by constantly fixing his mind on me , the supreme Brahman as the auspicious object of meditation with his mind well controlled and purified by thinking about me only, attains everlasting peace and bless as is established in me . At this stage , a person knowing the similarity between all the souls , sees happiness or sorrow as the same everywhere. He is as happy to see happiness of others as his own and in the same way sorrow of others as his own .
A person who worships me , the supreme Brahman with intense love , will and devotion ,whose mind is directed towards me and is totally absorbed in me , who is unable to bear the pangs of separation from me , even for a moment, because of my being very dear to him . He is considered by me worthiest among yogis of all kinds.
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