Friday, 27 March 2020

My Wanderings - 74 Kashmiri Shaivim , a path to self realisation

Kashmiri Shaivism is our legacy , a spiritual thought propounded by our ancestors from times immemorial. Therefore , it is our duty to keep it safe by propagating  it's essence to our new generation .
Kashmiri Shaivism is basically a path to self realisation which is the basic pursuit of a person  since ancient  times. Both Kashmiri Shaivism and Vedanta doctrines  believe in philosophy of Monism. Monism is a theory or doctrine that denies the existence of a distinction or duality in a particular sphere such as that between matter and man or God  and the world.
Monotheism is the belief that there is only one God,  who is super and tolerates nobody other than himself . He is separate from other individuals . This doctrine of Monotheism is followed by other religions like Islam, Christianity and judaism and is therefore dualistic in nature.
Both  Kashmiri Shivism as well as  Vedanta believe in one God but with a  distinction. Their approach is non dualistic in nature .They  don't consider God and an individual as a seperate entities but both  inseparable from each other  and the world .
Kashmiri Shaivism goes far beyond the concept of the personal form of Shiva as a yogi living on kailasa with his wife Paravati .It conceives of ultimate reality as pure consciousness vibrating in the universe in everything from Brahma to blade of grass . This non dual reality of consciousness is Shiva . It is the essence of all that exists .
As Laleshwari great Kashmiri mystic has put it simply
Shiv chum thali thali rozan i.e Shiva exists in every  thing .
Kashmiri Shaivism also known as Trika philosphy is the unique vision of the relationship of Man, world and God . It is unique philosophy that celebrates life and  recognises  the world not only as real but also as divine . Shiva is the conception of universal consciousness and his active and cosmic power is Shakti. Shiva and Shakti are inseparable just like fire and heat . Both Shiva and Shakti open out and manifest themselves as the world . Man in this system is a limited version of Shiva or universal consciousness . To realise its role by man as a form of Shiva and mingle itself with Param Shiva is the pursuit of man and ultimate aim of  Kashmiri Shaivism. 
Shivoham and Aham Brahm asme derive the same  meaning . When  man realises I am shiva or I am Brahma , that is the ultimate aim of both Kashmiri Shaivism and Vedanta .But there is one sharp distinction between the two as Vedanta says (Jagat Mithya  or Maya Shivo satyam ) i.e world is false or illusion and God is truth  while as Kashmiri Shaivism says ( Shivo satyam jagat satyam) i.e both God as well as world is truth. Therefore Kashmiri Shaivism does not plead renunciation for God realisation . It says God can be realised as a family man also. He can pursue spirituality while doing all the domestic chores .  Actually it is not God realisation but  self realisation. Vedanta says world is a  mirage  or illusion but Kashmiri Shaivism says world is the manifestation of both  Shiva and Shakti . Therefore , man can enjoy the bliss of world along with his pursuit for self realisation . According to Kashmiri Shaivism Maya or illusion is the power of Shiva to hide his vastness in to limited vision and not a seperate entity as pleads Vedanta . The beauty of Kashmiri Shaivism lies in the fact that it completely underscores the caste colour and gender bias . Its scriptures reveal that ultimate aim of Kashmiri Shaivism can be achieved by any person with out discrimination of caste ,creed or gender .
The Kashmir Shaivism uses the symbol of light to explain its conception of the nature of consciousness . It describes the ultimate reality or Shiva as prakasha  or light of universal  consciousness and Vimarsha or reflective awareness of that self luminous light as Shakti . It is Vimarsha or the power of consciousness to know itself which makes the light of self consciousness  conscious of itself .
It is said that vasugupta who flourished between seventh and eighth century BC in a dream is asked by lord Shiva to visit a place near Harwan and touch a rock which will turn upside down and all important shivsutras will be found inscribed on it . Vasugupta did as advised and Shivsutras and Kashmiri Shaivism was revealed to world. Vasugupta is followed by Batta kalata, utpaldeva , Abinav Gupta, kshem raja etc
Then with the advent of Islam and persecution of hindus thereafter   this philosophy was practised secretly in Kashmir . Soon after the arrival of Sikhs in 1819 AC Hindus breathed a sigh of relief and this philosophy came into prominence due to efforts of
Sahib Kaul and swami Mana Kak Monga .
Then desciple of Swami Mana Kak  swami Ram jee born in 1850 , a great  saint took upon the task of teaching this philosphy to his desciples Swami Mehtab Kak, swami Vidyadhar jee and swami Govind Koul
The desciple of Swami Mehtab Kak was famous Ishwar swaroop  Swami Laxman ji  who entered Mahasamadhi  only few decades ago .
Efforts to teach this philosophy to younger generation  should continue so that this legacy  of Kashmiri Pandits is  not  lost in the realms of archives .

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