Thursday 10 October 2024

My Wanderings 112. Mahavakiyas of Vedanta


The Great Utterances: 

The Mahavakyas are the Great Sentences of Advaita Vedanta and Jnana Yoga, and are contained in the Upanishda. 

Maha is Great, and Vakyas are sentences, or utterances for contemplation. They provide perspective and insights that tie the texts together in a cohesive whole. 

There are seven Mahavakhs in Vedanta to understand the Truth. Let me try to explain the each Mahavakh for our understanding.

1. Brahma satyam jagan mithya !! 
    Brahman is real; the world is unreal 
    (The absolute is real; the world is unreal or only relatively real).

2. Ekam evadvitiyam brahma !!
     Brahman is one, without a second 
     (There is one absolute reality, without any secondary parts ).

3. Prajnanam Brahman !! 
   Brahman is the supreme knowledge. 
   (Knowing the absolute reality is the supreme knowledge).

4. Tat tvam asi !!
  That is what you are. 
  (That absolute reality is the essence of what you really are) 
  (from Chandogya Upanishad of Sama Veda).

5. Ayam atma brahma !!
Atman and Brahman are the same. 

(The individual Self is one and the same with the absolute). 
(from Mandukya Upanishad of Atharva Veda)

6. Aham  Brahmasmi !!
I am Brahman 

(Who I really am, is that absolute reality.) 
(from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad of Yajur Veda).

7. Sarvam khalvidam brahma !!
  All of this is Brahman 

   (All of this, including me, is that absolute reality).

They sing a song together: As one comes to experience the truth of the individual Mahavakyas, it seems they come together in a song,  that cries out in joy, "All of this is brahman!" As was said in the beginning, it is a process that comes from person-to-person listening (written and oral), followed by deep reflection, contemplation, and meditation.

Sanskrit:                                                            English:
1. Brahma satyam jagan mithya. !!           Brahman is real; the world 
                                                                 is unreal 
2. Ekam evadvitiyam brahma> !!              Brahman is one, without a 
3. Prajnanam Brahman. !!                          Brahman is the supreme 
4. Tat tvam asi. !!                                        That is what you are 

5. Ayam atma brahma. !!                             Atman and brahman are 
                                                                     the same 
6. Aham brahmasm. !!                                  I am brahman.

7. Sarvam khalvidam brahma.!!                    All of this is Brahman.

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