Dreams are something which are important for person to accomplish but more than that we sometimes get more from pursuing that dream , and not accomplishing it, then we accomplish many of them.
When we send our kids to play organised sports like football , soccer, swimming whatever for most of us, it is not because we are desperate for them to learn the intricacies of the sport . What we really want them to learn is far more important i.e. team work, perseverance, sports man ship , the value of hard work , an ability to deal with adversity. This kind of indirect learning is sometimes more important .
There is lot of talk these days about giving children self esteem . It is not something you give them .It is something they have to build. There is only one thing to build it . You give them something they can not do, they work hard until they find they can do it , and you just keep repeating the process.
Sometimes credit was given for choosing difficult problem and not solving them rather than choosing easy problems and solving them completely.
Many startups choose their CEO's from failed companies , to make their enterprise a success , because they recognise the potential in them , and who later on came to their expectations and proved them right.
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