Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Kashmiri pandits 6

It was the aftermath of partition between India and Pakistan.  Pakistan had sent Tribal infiltrators known as Kabalis inside Kashmir to capture it.  Kabalis were looting, killing Hindus  and raping their women in the border areas of Kashmir. The whole of Kashmir was burning under the Pakistani sponsored proxy  war through  these tribal invaders.   All the people especially Hindus were running helter skelter to save their lives.  In this melancholic atmosphere my father, a devout hindu was posted in a small village near present LOC as a doctor in local hospital.  All the Hindu non local staff  had left the  station with their families, except my father, who was running the hospital with the help of local staff. However, he had sent his family to Srinagar already.  My father did not leave the station as he happened to be more loyal than King as then king of Kashmir Mahraja Hari singh had already made arrangements to leave state of J and K with all  his immovable property in a chartered plane for Bombay. And which he did latter on.
My father was advised by some local Muslims to grow  beard so that he will be taken for a Muslim in case kabalis enter their village. My father used to have a busy schedule. He would rise early  in the morning  and after attending natural calls and having a bath, he would go for meditatation. Then after taking breakfast he had to attend hospital. After hospital  chores , he would visit patients in near by villages on a horse back. His family at Srinagar was very anxious as they had no news about him for months together.
One day after attending his hectic schedule,  my father was looking gloomy because some molvi of the local mosque had advised him to attend the mosque tomorrow as all the local hindus have been converted to Islam.  But my father told the Moulvi plainly that he doesn't belong to this village and he is not obliged to do what local Hindus have decided to do. Then this  Moulvi started pestering my father daily with the same suggestion.  My father got sick of it and left  the village for another near by village, where a Hindu saint lived. My father told the saint that he wanted to stay with the latter for some days. But saint advised my father that he should go back to his own village. While returning, when my father reached the border of his village in the evening, most of the elderly villagers had gathered there to welcome my father who later on rebuked the Moulvi and advised him not to pester my father any  more.
As the kabalis had approached nearer to village, my father decided to handover all his valuable belongings to a  Muslim orderly of Hospital with the condition that if every thing was alright, latter will return the goods. When orderly was carrying these belongings to his home in two suitcases, my father followed him with out the knowledge of former. My father overheard him saying to himself,  My Allah, please bestow me with an opportunity to return these goods to its real owner. Listening these words my father left the place of orderly unheard.
Later on this orderly returned all the goods to my father.
One day Kabalis entered the village, where my father was posted. They were very angry as they had lost the way to Srinagar. As after heavy lootmar and rapes at Baramulla some Maqbool Sherwani had put them on a wrong route , when they asked him to advise them shortest route to Srinagar.
Therefore, they hastily visited the Hospital accompanied by local Muslims. The local Muslims introduced my father to them as newly converted Muslim. They asked my father to serve them with some sweet Medicine, which my father readily offered to them. Then they proceeded again for Srinagar,  where they never reached.  Because till then Indian army had approached Kashmir and Mahraja Hari Singh had signed the treaty of annexing state of  Jammu and Kashmir with India.
Then my father reached Srinagar to  join his family on leave, hale and hearty and with all his belonging. My father was then awarded a letter of appreciation, two increments in advance and transfer to his home place Srinagar as a reward for not leaving the station in crisis and turmoil. The appreciation letter was with my father until we left valley in 1990 with out our belongings.

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