Monday, 16 October 2023

My Wanderings 104 Short Story No 58 Facing the Faceless

My Wanderings 104

Short Story No 58

Facing the Faceless 

                  Those who are stagnant , who don't want to grow ,their life seems to be stable and  steady , and looks better . But it is lifeless. For one who is striving to grow , an enormous amount of upheaval happens in his life.  But all the upheavals are worth a bit of growth that could happen within a human being . 
What we are referring to a spiritual process is basically a journey from creation to creator . The greediest people on the planet are the spiritual people . All the  others are willing to settle for a piece of creation . These people want the creator himself. 

                            Narendra was my friend and colleague right from the beginning of our careers . He was very intelligent and had a spiritual temperament which connected him to Ramakrishna mission at Srinagar. He had become ardent follower of Sh. Brij Nath ji ,usually referred as swami ji in the Ashram.

                     Once Narendra introduced me to swami ji. I had an impression that Swami ji may  be wearing saffron robes , but I was  surprised to see him in ordinary attire of common man i.e.pant and shirt and doing small chores of Ashram like gardening, setting the books of Ashram library and changing fused bulbs erc.

               "Swami ji , I am tired of running . How can I be happy?" Narendra asked to Swami ji.
Swami ji looked at Narendra , the smile not having left his face even for a moment. He replied in deep powerful voice ," you ask me how you can be happy , but I see no question in that: you are already happy and you will always remain happy . Happiness is not a temporary state of mind . It is a permanent state of your being. Happiness exists in your heart at all times. No one can take it from you except yourself. It is unfortunate people bind their happiness to all sorts of conditions. I will be happy when I get promotion . I will be happy after I purchase a new car or build a new house. Do they become happy , when these conditions are fulfilled? No they simply replace these conditions with new ones. The secret to happiness does not lie in blindly chasing the fulfillment of your desires . It lies in realising that you are already happy, and you only need to liberate your happiness from those conditions that you have yourself imposed. Liberate your happiness and you will find everlasting peace. 

                       Later on Narendra told me that Swami ji belonged to  a big business family,  but he had left that business for his siblings and he himself was pursuing a job of  Professor  of Physics at some local college . Thereafter , he devoted his whole time at the Ashram. 

             Once when we again met swami ji, he offered us a banana from a plate of fruits kept on a side table. Then Narendra asked him " Swami ji what does it really mean to be free from yourself." As always with smile on his face Swami ji answered ," If you ask a random person on the street the meaning of freedom , he will tell you freedom is the ability to do what you want . But Narendra , why do we want what we want? You felt like eating the banana . Why did you feel that? You felt like eating that because you were hungry . Why were you hungry, because your blood glucose level was low. Why was it low? Because you had not eaten for a long time . You wanted  to eat the banana was the effect of the cause that you were hungry , and this cause was, in turn, the effect of another cause that your blood glucose level was low. Behind every thing you want , behind every desire and feeling you have , there is  infinitely long chain of cause and effect that we call causality. A cause giving rise to an effect and this  effect becoming cause of another effect till a desire emerges in your mind. But you can not see this chain of causality , you can only see the final desire in your mind. Thus you erroneously beleive that your mind is the source of the desire. Narendra, your mind does not belong to you . It is merely a source of causality . 
Narendra nodded and said, " So true freedom means freedom from your own mind and freedom from causality."

               In the meantime Narendra got married to an orphan girl who was also devotee  of Ashram against the wishes of his family. The marriage was also solmonised in the premises of Ashram. Narendra started a family life ,  but the quest or longing to realise his identity remained with him and he continued his relationship with Swami ji . Sometimes , I also had privilege of listening to the words of Swami ji which enlightened  my life also. In the mean time his wife gave birth to twins a son and a daughter.

      "Swami ji , I am hopeless at meditation ! I don't think I will ever learn to do it correctly !
Narendra exclaimed one evening as we were in the company of Swami ji. For the last few months , he had been actively practising meditation on the advice of Swami ji. 
"Why do you say that?"
" I can not keep my mind free of thoughts for a single minute . I can do it , may be, for a couple of seconds, but then the thoughts come forth , and I lose control. 
"Why must we meditate ?" 
Narendra, what we see around us is not reality but only a perception . What we see, feel, taste , hear and smell are artifacts that our senses create on the canvas of our mind , and it is through these that we interpret the world. So ,you see,  it is always our mind that creates our experience of the world . Meditation teaches you to master your mind and hence direct your experiences. You must learn to observe your mind . Where do your thoughts arise from? How does one thought lead to another? The first requisite to understanding your mind is to detach yourself from it. Meditation enables you to observe the inner workings of your mind by becoming a detached observer.
But how can I observe my thoughts if I focus my full attention on preventing them from arising?. Is not a meditation about shutting down your thoughts and be at peace . 
No Narendea, never at all.
But that is what you told me to do!
No that is what I told you to begin with, Swami ji said correcting Narendra. 
To observe your mind carefully, you need to focus. You can not focus if your thoughts jump around wildly, which they usually do if you don't have practice. When you begin meditation , sit still and calm your mind . Let thoughts arise, but do not feed them. Do not entertain them. When you entertain a thought, it gives rise to another thought , and then to another one, and that leads to cascade that soon goes out of your control. The key is not in preventing thoughts , the key is not in entertaining them . When you don't entertain a thought , it automatically dissolves in your mind. This is how you learn to control your thoughts.
" what does this achieve?"
You learn a very important thing by doing this. You learn you have a power to choose when to entertain a thought and when to let it go. You learn that you are not a slave to whatever pops in your mind , but you can control your actions and own responsibility for them.Narendra , a person who masters his thoughts , masters his destiny. 

              After some time Narendras wife fell ill and died after a long illness. His siblings also usurped his parental property.  His life got disturbed and he felt dejected.   In spite of all these upheavals in his life , he kept himself focused on the spirituality. One day he broke down before Swami ji and started complaining about his bad luck and siblings, who deceived him. Swami ji told him without mincing words that bad luck is nothing in vedanta but the effect of last karmas which you have to undergo for your own upliftment. Moreover, you should adopt the policy of forget and forgive  your enemies , which you have to do for your own good and not for your enemies, if you want to go ahead in your chosen path. Swami ji further added " "you are already one with the Brahman . You are the Brahman. Every atom in your body is the Brahman . You only have to realise it. When you realise that you are the one stainless reality, that you are beyond the chains of causality,  that you are the God himself , you attain Moksha , the ultimate freedom."
"But Swami ji every body knows that he is actually Brahman but how one can realise it, replied Narendra . 
Oh Narendra , it needs a lot of practice i.e Meditation for months together with out a break and you need  simultaneously to ask questions, who am I , i.e KOHAM , keeping your attention focused . 

               One day Narendra decided to go for meditation for days together. He arranged for his food through a messenger , who would keep his food out side his room. 
Narendra sat upright on the bed in cross legged posture and closed his eyes . Taking deep breaths , he chanted the magical OM three times.  His mind gently settled down like a feather lightly floating towards the earth . He joined his palms together in the form of Namaskar and recited the Gaytri Mantra. 
" I pray to you, the infinite energy that keeps the sun burning, the fundamental vibrations  that sustain all life, I pray to you to reveal to me the understanding of the universe and the understanding of myself." 
He slipped into a  deeply aware state of consciousness.  Thoughts arose in his mind and gently dissolved back into it.
He asked himself , " KOHAM,? Who am I?
His mind replied, " I am the Brahman"
He knew it was his mind that was feigning the answer. 
Swami ji had said that you are battling your mind and your mind will do everything it can to distract you. It will play tricks and make you doubt what you are doing . You lose as soon as you let the seed of doubt enter you. Do not let it happen.
On the third night boredom got unbearable . Narendra cried with tears rolling down his cheeks. He was so bored that he felt like killing himself just to get rid of the boredom.Nothing seemed to be working . Hours of meditation had brought him nowhere. He worried if he would survive the week.
On the fifth night after much harwork when He asked Koham? Who am I . He heard  a faint whisper , "SOHAM" I am that.
The voice did not stop , it kept chanting SOHAM, SOHAM, SOHAM. 
The chant came from his  heart . It came from his bones, it came from his Spine . It got louder . It came from outside him . It came from the walls, the furniture . It came from the floor, it came from the ceiling . The voice roared from everywhere. 
After wards Swami ji told Narendra that he has reached to the stage of Nirvakalpa samadhi,  which is a temporary experience and with constant practice leads to permanent Mokhsha. 
Swami ji also told Narendra that now he does not require his  guidance anymore and his  aim will automatically show him the way .

             The first spiritual experience, and  the encouraging  response therefrom,  increased the enthusiasm of Narendra to great  extent, towards attaining spiritual gains .  But he never left the company of Swami ji altogether as advised by later . However , it happened automatically when Kashmiri pandits  left Kashmir for good  at the time of migration of their community and  Swami ji choose to stay in Kashmir at the Ashram. 
After the death of his wife Narendera had brought up his children ,   a daughter and a son as a single parent . He worked very hard to bring them up singlehandedly performing all the domestic chores and continuing his spiritual pursuits side by side. Narendra was a person of calm and composed disposition .I have never seen him getting angry with any one . Satogun was predominant in his personality. 
But his son could not do well in his studies and one fine morning left his studies altogether, despite of much persuasion  by his father . He also married his daughter after completing her studies , but it was only after a short period of time   ,she was  divorced by her husband . Therefore,  responsibly of his children remained on his shoulders even after his retirement . Narendra after his retirement started another job in some private company as responsibility of his children always haunted him . But after some time  both his children got jobs and became independent which brought a smile on the face of Narendra and he heaved a sigh of relief . 
One day Narendra had a chance meeting with Swami ji as Swami ji visited his flat at pune. After exchanging pleasantries Swami ji exclaimed  calmly, "Narendra! what about your meditation and self realization ? 
"Swami ji, I am doing less meditation and more Karma these days as doing karma ,in itself , is a great spiritual pursuit as advised by Shrikrishna in Shrmat Baghwatgita." , replied Narendra. 
"You are absolutely right Narendra , no body can do away with karma. Srikrishna himself a God incarnation , who achieved everything was still doing Karma . There are three types of Kramas i e. Niti karma, Nimiti Karma and Kamya karma as advised by Shrikrishna in Bhagwadgita. Niti karma is doing sandhya vandana and early  morning prayers , Nimita karma denotes offering jal  tarpan to Devas and pitras particularly during eclipse period ,  Kamya karma is done to  earn money for  livelihood and luxuries. Performing  first two karmas are essential and doing third karma is optional . But with out doing third karma we may not be able to do first two karmas as well , because  we require money for doing them . While doing Kamya karma we get attached to it  and subsequently get involved in karam bandan i.e we earn for attaining luxuries and properties which is  a never ending game . We can not leave doing  karmas also but we should attribute those karmas to lord almighty  as if we are doing these karmas for him only.  We can help needy and poor and we can involve ourselves in philonothropic activities.  

                 After this association with Swami ji, Narendrra tried to help many organizations like old age homes , orphanages etc. monetarily as well as by offering his services like teaching orphans free of cost and helping old persons living in old age homes. 

                      One fine morning Narendra was diagnosed with  throat cancer and succumbed to this  deadly disease after few months of therapies and related medication and great care by his children. 

Sunday, 27 August 2023

My Wanderings 103 A perception with deception towards none - 2

It was really a spectacular event and a proud  moment for India , when  Chandriyan- 3's lander Vikram had a soft landing  on the south pole surface of Moon On the 23rd August 2023 at 6.04 PM . Moreover, It was a great achievement and testament to the 61 year old legacy of  India's space programme ,its perseverance and innovation from modest beginnings to the giant leaps. India has become the first nation to softly land its space craft on the virgin south pole of the moon and 4rth nation after America , Russia and China to land softly on the moon. 
The credit for this grand leap should go to Vikram Sarabai, the founder of space mission in India  and his talented successors alongwith all other scientists and engineers related with the mission. In his time  or still a question is  raised whether a developing country like India should go for  expensive space programme. Vikram  Sarabai  collected data  from all the quarters  and came to a convincing conclusion that 'space technology is essential for all round development of India. Then he  said confidently that question is not whether a developing country should adopt space technology rather the question is whether it can afford to ignore it. Thus began the journey from the Indian National committee for Space research INCOSPAR in 1962 which was later on renamed as Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO in 1969. While Vikram and Pragyan , the lander and rover continue to do research on the Moon,
ISRO  is now going ahead with launch of Aditya L1 integrated with PSLV, a solar mission set for the date 11.50 am on 2nd  September 2023 at Sriharkota. 
It was really encouraging to see the flight of India's Pragyanand to defeat Number 3 and Number 2 in world chess championship held at Azherbaijan. He also gave a tough fight to numer 1 , Carlson, but could only make it out to be ist runner up . It made Carlson , the world grandmaster to say that if next time Preg will not be the world chess  champion then who else. 
It was again a happy moment for India when Neeraj chopra became the world champion by winning the world javelin throw  Gold at Budapest , yet another stamp of confirmation as India's best ever athlete. 
The news of more student suicides in Kota was really disgusting . The two Neet aispairants committing  suicide in a single day and number of suicides reaching to 22 in year 2023 up to month of August only is really alarming. Every year not only in kota but throughout India most of the students  kill themselves for not reaching to the target set up by their parents and teachers with out judging their capability  for the target. Every parent sending their wards to kota factory see them as future Doctors or Engineers , which appears to them a safe future for  their children  . It is not necessary because only few  Doctors make money and name and most of the engineers remain unemployed. 
There are other professions also which do not need engineering as basic degree and they also make their name in that line and earn a large fortune. 
Administration  of kota has  come up with new remedies for avoiding suicides i.e by  installing spring fans and fixing nets on the balconies of hostels and colleges but they have not come up with remedies to nip this evil in  the bud. For this whole education system has to be changed and with proper planning  selection should be done  on the aptitude and I.Q basis of student only and there should not be  rat race for few professions . All the professions are equally important for the development of Nation .
Now on the entertainment side both Gadar 2 and OMG 2 are doing well on the box office and have crossed the Rs 500 crore and Rs 150 crore  target respectively  in national market . While Gadar 2 evolves patriotic sentiments against our neighbor Pakistan and all realistic and unrealistic manivours of Sunny Deol . While OMG 2 has a special message for our special age group. 

Monday, 10 July 2023

My Wanderings 102 A Perception with deception towards none

 It was really disgusting to read in Newspaper  about the new Congress Governments decision in Karnatka to hold all the  developmental funds this year and set off these towards election promises made by them  in their election manifesto I.e providing  free electricity , free transport to ladies , grahlaxmi scheme and other freebies. These pre-election promises helped  them to win the elections and now they are obliged to fulfill their promises at the cost of public exchequare. These freebies will be responsible for  hampering further development in Karnatka. 
Now there appears sufficient proofs that largest minority community in India has become very intolerant towards the religious sentiments of majority community from last few years. Whenever any religious procession is taken out by majority community, it is being stoned by the goons of minority community and thereby starting communal roits , which leads to the destruction of public property worth crores. It appears that the goons of minority community are already prepared under  planned conspiracy to harm the religious processions of majority community. They appear to have already stored huge quantity of stones, petrol bombs, pistols to attack the prospective religious processions of majority community. It appears to be a real paradox that majority community in India is being intimidated by minority community with out any fault of the former. 
Moreover, it was heartening to know about the stripping and parading of three woman in Manipur and then consequently gang  raping one of them for no fault of theirs. It was  only to take revenge because of the scuffle between two communities.  Then same type of news came from our other states like west Bengal, Rajasthan  and chattisgarh. These are really heinous crimes committed in the so called civilised socities. But I remember in early nineteen nineties more heinous crimes with the ladies of our community I.e. Kashmiri pandits ,  in kashmir were committed by jihadis . One of our lady was stripped, gangraped and divided in to two pieces by keeping the body under the blade of  a band saw machine. The perpetrators of crime are still at large and news of the crime was not given any publicity . It was only in the film titled 'Kashmir Files'  which was made after thirty years of the perpetuation of those  crimes , such scenes were filmed. But so called seculars and pseudo intellectuals of India called that  a propaganda film. Even our  supreme court did not took any cogzinance of these crimes and considered them  as time barred.  
Now on the entertainment side it was pleasant to witness two films I.e. Shiv Shastri Balboa  on Amazon and ' Oppenheimer 'in theatre. Both the films are inspiring and informative in their respective order. 
In Shiv Shastri Balboa  , a retired banker, who is inspired by Rocky balboa series films  , goes to America to spent his old age with his only  son living there but feels desatisfied  with the routine life like looking after the pet of his son and dropping his grand children at school . He wants to do something adventurous to add music   to his life, which  he has lost after the death of his wife long ago . He gets the chance to help an indian housekeeper ,who lives in the neighbourhood, and is  exploited by the family where she works . He succeeds in sending her back to india after undergoing many upheavals and fulfilling his dream to visit Philadelphia,  where is   the memorial of his inspiration Rocky Balboa . The theme of film is that greatest risk in life is created by ignoring the small things and more important in life is how early   a person can revive from failure . Anupam Kher , a versatile actor has done his role magnificently.  His acting can be compared  with  Robert D Nuro of Hollywood films. 
The film  ' oppenheimer' is the story of a scientist who made  America a  Nuclear  power and gave to  it its first Atomic bomb.  . It is the tale  of triumph , trubelence and humiliation of a person,  who was a head of Manhatten project . He is also called father of Atomic bomb . 
After successfully testing atom bomb and its use by America in two cities of Japan I.e Nagasaki and Hiroshma , openhammier gets frustrated by the destruction created there at.
He did not seem to  take much  intrest in the  advancement of the same which appeared to be the priority of  Amarican Govt. 
Then J Robert Openheimer is prosecuted rigorously for his past connections with communist party, though he remained very loyal to America through out his life. 
Like most of other scientists from west he was also influenced by Shrimath Bhagwad Gita which is a matter of pride for India. 
The movie 'Oppenheimer 'is a breathtaking masterpiece that skillfully combines the elements of action ,audio , acting, direction and scene designing into an unforgettable cinematic experience directed by visionary director Christopher Nolan.

Monday, 12 June 2023

My Wanderings 101 Short story No.57 The Koramandal express .

The aftermath of anguish that creeps in the mind of a  person while thinking of the koramandal express train accident is very painful, depressing and disgusting for any person who may be having no connection with it , but a person who is somewhat connected  with this tragedy is beyond any vacabuloury to express the intensity of trauma which they faced.
Knowing that Savitri was affected with a heart trouble , great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible, the news of her  husbands death. It was her sister Durga who told her in broken sentences , veiled hints that revealed in half concealing way   the death of her husband, the Satyavaan . Her husbands friend Swami was also there . It was he who  heard on TV when the news of the accident of the train , which Satvaan boarded was broadcasted . He  also got the list of deceased in the rail accident , in which the name of Satyavan was very prominent , from newspaper office. He had also cross checked the name from other Govt. sources  in this connection and hastened to convey this message to the wife of his friend.
First she could not understand the significance of the news which was revealed to her in pieces.  It all started with a wild shriek and  she wept  bitterly in the arms of her sister . Then she left the room altogether and closed herself in another room. She sank there in a sofa and placed her head between her arms and thought about her husband Satyavaan . How she would be able to see the dead frozen and blue face of her husband  Satyavaan , who always looked towards her with great love and affection. Every part of her body was trembling and she was breathing deeply. She could perceive every moment of her association with Satyavaan for the last thirty years. How she fell in love with Satyavan and how she  married him  . She had enjoyed her life to the fullest with Satyavaan, but only regret in her life was that she could not bear her own  children. Now she was thinking how she will spent the rest of her life without Satyavaan. The mere thought of it passed a cold shrill through out his whole spine and she prayed to God for her instant death or bestow new lease of  life to Satyavaan, which was beyond comprehension. Satyavaan was the only person in this world on whom she depended most. She could not conceive life without Satyavaan. 
When savitri did not open the door of room in which she  concealed herself , Durga,  her sister and other relatives got worried and knocked at  the door of room to enquire about her health .  For a long time savitri did not respond but later on she replied to her sister that she was ok and wanted to remain in soltitude for some time more.  Later on Durga put her arms around her sister  and brought her crawling in the main living room. 
After two days of this accident , when Savitri reconciled a bit with her fate , it was decided to send Swami and some distant relative to the accident site to bring the dead body of Satyavaan. The day Swami and party left for bringing home the dead body for performing last rites , there was a big knock on the door. When door was opened , there was a real  surprise for all the mourners present in the house. 
Lo and behold ! It was Satyavaan on the door, hale and hearty , all in  flesh and blood. He told all the persons present in his house  that he could not board the train on the  fateful day as he reached the station few minutes late inspite of his much  struggle  to catch the ill fated train on time. In the mean time , he lost his mobile and could not make any contact with his wife or relatives to tell them about his welfare. In absence of any contact , he tried hard to reach his home at the earliest  through various modes of  transport.
Savitri was listening the conversation of   Satyavaan with a constant gaze  towards him  and without blinking her eyes . It was only after listening the whole story Savitri's head dropped on her shoulders with a moaning sound . The attention of every person present in the room got attracted towards her and a Doctor was called , who declared her dead due to heart failure because of the overjoy, as  she was already suffering from heart ailment . She betrayed the death when  in trauma but this  instant overjoy of finding her husband alive could not be resisted by her  and she left this world for good in the arms of her husband. 

Thursday, 18 May 2023

My Wanderings 100 Short Story No.56 Genius versus Moroon

My Wanderings 100

Short Story No. 56

Genius Versus Moroon 

                 While working as Incharge of International Banking Division jammu Branch ,  I had varied  experiences  of encounter with various types of  customers. They included NRI customers living in different foreign countries, people requiring foreign cash or remittance facilities or foreign exchange for visiting foreign lands as tourists or sending their wards for higher education etc, people doing import export business or foreign trade which included issuing letter of credit or letter of comfort and arranging buyers credit or sellers credit for them, sometimes in foreign currency only. 

              The importers and exporters were  high fi customers as they were usually proprietor of big companies and arranged to get their Bank work done through their employees. There were some small importers also who would usually visit the Bank personally. One of the small  importers who attracted my attention was Mr. Mohan Raina .He was a person of small frame , wearing specs and clad in ordinary attire, with an air of shrewdness.   He was importing some chinese goods and paid his Bill's through our bank. His business was very small as compared to other importers . He had opened a  firm  in his name , the address of which was shown by him as  his rented residential accommodation at Jammu. He was sometimes accompanied by his elder son Ashoo , who would always remain silent in presence of his father. 

               Once, Mr. Raina  told me that he has  two sons. Both were the students of   prestigious Burn Hall School  at Srinagar . The elder son Ashoo could not show much aptitude in studies and left the same  only after passing his 12th exam  , but his younger son is very brilliant and he did his engineering with merit and now he is posted in US. 

             Later on I came to know, through his acquaintances , that Mr Mohan Raina was a big business man while  at Srinagar . He was a proud possessor of a luxurious car , when personal cars were not  much available in Srinagar city. But only one habit that ruined his business was that he was seen daily visiting  the bars , in evenings , alongwith his friends.

              Then after turmoil in Kashmir  , he had to shift to jammu alongwith his family , which totally collapsed his business. 
After shifting to Jammu , he tried much to restart his business but of no avail.  He had to encounter failures only for a long time. Then he started the present business on smaller scale from his residence only, which picked up a little and became a source of  his sustenance at Jammu. But misfortunes did not leave him  alone here .  He was concerned about the future of his elder son Ashoo, who had left his studies altogether. While he was thinking of adjusting his elder son Ashoo  somewhere , whom he considered as a moroon , his wife died all of a sudden in road accident at jammu. The death of his wife gave him a big blow in his life from which he never thought of recovering again . In the mean time his younger son got engineering seat at pune for which he gathered enough  courage to look after his education,  as he was very proud of him and he considered him very brilliant. 
Then he thought of adjusting Ashoo, his elder son with his own business , and started teaching him the tricks of trade. 

                 At  the time I met this gentleman Mohan Raina , he had already married both his  sons . His younger son was already settled in USA along with his well educated and working wife. He had also married his elder son Ashoo , with an  illiterate girl from Batote area, who looked after their house hold chores  at jammu very nicely . Their business was also picking up in a better way. 
                             After few years , health of Mohan Raina started deteriorating day by day . Now Ashoo was looking after the business independently  and he used to visit the bank with out his father.  Ashoo had become very bold and had learned the trade nicely. We also came to know that he and his wife were looking after the health of their father with concern. 
Whenever,  he visited the bank he would entertain me and my colleagues with his jokes and simplicity. Once , one of my colleagues told us in his presence that Ashoo is very much  scared of his wife , in a lighter vein . But Ashoo could  not conceive the humour in these words . He became very serious and while putting his right hand on his head he  said with all audacity , oh  no !, Never at all ," I am never  afraid  of my wife . I swear by myself and my only daughter." Then I told him he should not get so much agitated over a small thing  . Every body Is afraid  of their  wives . But he never agreed with me and never accepted the blame on him . All the staff and myself helped him unusually and sometimes gave him a peace of mind , when he was in difficulty  , because we liked him  all  for  his simplicity and honesty. 

             One day Ashoo told me that his father is very sick ,but his younger brother does not seem to be interested in their affairs . He had rarely visited them since he left for USA. Now he has  stopped communicating with them also. I told Ashoo , to help his father in this time of  sickness and distress and don't let him feel the absence of his younger son.  Ashoo assured me that his wife and he himself is serving his father with all dedication.  I believed Ashoo because I knew that he was not so intelligent to coin lies. 

                        After some time , we came to know that Sh. Mohan Raina left this mortal world for good,  quit peacefully and his head resting on  the lap of his maroon son,  Ashoo.
  On the 10th day after his death , his brilliant younger son  also reached jammu with out his wife to pay last homage to his father. 

                 Ashoo told me, later  on,  that after 12th day , when all the relatives had left their home, his younger brother started enquiring about the business of their  father and told Ashoo,  outrightly that he should make him sleeping partner in the business and divide the profit equally. This outrageous statement of his brother had really frightened Ashoo  , as the later was hardly able to meet his both ends with a little profit he made out of business. Moreover, Ashoo had to pay monthly rent for his residential cum official accommodation. 
After some time, it transpired that younger brother of Ashoo,  had to eat a humble pie after intervention of their close relatives, who gave him a bit of mind and due to the paucity of time as he was in hurry to leave for America , he could not pursue the case . 

Then on somebody's advice ,  Ashoo also opened a new firm in his own  name and started bringing chinese goods consignment on new firm, as he was scared of his younger brother,  that he may come anytime from America to rob him of his livelihood.

Friday, 5 May 2023

My Wanderings 99 Short Story No.55 A Unique Visitor

My father after retirement, at the age of fifty five only, as Incharge of Khrew Alopathic Dispensary opened a medical shop near his residence at Purshyar locality in Srinagar city. He started practicing medicine and providing medical services at his shop to all locals at  very low charges due to his spiritual insight and background. Sometimes he would provide free medical assistance and  services to poor and needy . Therefore, most of the locals became his permanent customers. It was not a commercial  but mere a sustenance venture and a pastime hub of  my father. Moreover,  being a thorough gentleman and honest to the core, his customers and all the shopkeepers around respected him very much. It was not only customers but most of his acquaintances , who were of allied nature would visit his shop on daily basis for religious discussions. It also became a meeting place for most of his retired childhood  friends. Pt. Janki Nath Kaul ' Kamal ' , a renowned religious scholar , Pt.Niranjan Nath Karihaloo , director of Sericuture dept. , Pt. Kanth Ram, head master of Mission School and many more  scholars and like minded people. They  started visiting his shop almost on daily basis  . My father after attending his patients would also indulge with them in religious and literary discourses and discussions . Pt. Janki Nath Kaul ' Kamal ' has given reference of my father and crux of their discussions   in many of his religious books, which he authored later on. Whenever there were no patients and friends at his shop, he would mostly be seen  involved in reading religious  scriptures. 
Actually religious journey of my father started at very young age, when he was a bachelor and newly posted at Badgam village . He used to visit a river  near by for a bath and sandhya vandana early in the morning , when it was quite dark. One day a  great saint Sh. Nand Lal ji Mahraj, who later on became his Guru  , found him on  the stairs of river and after observing his spiritual bent of mind asked him , if  he was intrested in reading religious  scriptures, then he should visit my ashram in the evenings . My father readily accepted his offer and started visiting his ashram which was adjacent to local temple of Budgam. After sometime,  his Guru asked him to stay with him permanently in the ashram as   many other disciples of Guru Mahraj  were  living there. Then my father started living  in ashram under the  full discipline and curriculum of Ashram for many more years until his transfer. But Guru shisha legacy remained alive until the death of his Guru Mahraj. 
I had seen my father daily reciting the verses of Shrimadbagwadgita. It was not only receiting but he had become the embodiment of its virtues and personification of its ideals. He was not a millionaire but ordinary middle class person  He did philonothropy in his own way and within his means . In other way he attributed his actions and services towards the almighty . He did actions for  sustenance of himself and his family only and beyond that  he would help the needy and provided  his services free of cost to the  poor. He never involved himself in the bondage of his actions and remained absorbed  in Nishkam karma. 
Most of the patients always remained obliged to my father because of his spiritual  attitude and healing touch in his hands while treating them. 
One day a stranger visited his shop. He appeared very well to do person because of his attire and personality . He asked my father that he needed his  consultation for some ailment from which he was suffering . My father also injected him from an injection vile which he had brought with himself . When stranger wanted to pay my father for his services,  latter outrightly refused to accept the  payment. But stranger was very much particular to make his payment. Later on the stranger told my father that he has made it a point in his  life not to withhold anybody's payment or debt, because he has  learnt the lesson regarding this  from his personal experience. Then he started to narrate his experience to my father. 
On day it happened that I was visiting some village on a Tongha,  a horse driven cart. I was seated on the back seat and driver was driving the cart on a country road . The cool spring  air was full of fragrance due to the surrounding trees with blossoms . The sweet scent of blossoms  intoxicated my nerves and I had a wink of sleep. While sleeping I saw a dream that the horse , who was pulling my cart came close to me and talked to me  like any other gentleman . He told me that I owe this cart driver Rupees two  in my last janma and now I have become his slave in this janma . I want to leave this janma now as I feel very much tired of it.  if you  can  help me and repay him Rupees two with out his knowlege , I will remain obliged to you. 
Later on I recovered from my dream and picked up Rs two note from my pocket and threw it slowly on the front side of cart with out the knowledge of cart driver . In the mean time , cart driver observed the note. He asked me whether it was my note . But I shaked my head in refusal. He took the note from the deck of cart and put it into his pocket. 
Within a short span of time. I could observe the legs of Horse wavering and he instaneously fell dead  on the road. 
Now my father could not discuss any  more on this subject and accepted his payment reluctantly. 
My father could not make millions but he lived his life most satisfactorily and in peaceful manner. He was not much  ambitious person but his needs were taken care of by the Almighty quite comfortably. 
 His  legacy of goodwill, high moral character and spiritual insight is worth trillions and a matter of pride for his descendants and acquaintances.  

Sunday, 30 April 2023

My Wanderings 98 Short Story No. 54 A Sanyasini from South

My Wanderings 98

Short Story No 54

A Sanyasini from South 

              It was the middle of   year Nineteen
eighty nine,  when atmosphere of Kashmir was very congenial and peaceful. Most of the Kashmiri pandits were living there in much harmony and they could  never  think of leaving Kashmir for good. Some  small skirmishes with majority community  were taken for granted and no body could ever dream of leaving his home and hearth that  easily  and so  stoically.  

             I was living in my ancestral home along with my family in heart of Srinagar city I.e Purshyar habbakadal . Our ancestral home was situated on the banks of river Jehlum overlooking the Habbakadal bridge . My brother , who was a chemical engineer by profession  had already left for Jammu few years back  alongwith his family to   pursue his newly acquired job at RRL Jammu . My parrents i.e. my mother and father used to stay in winters at jammu alongwith with my brother  and in summers they would stay with me at  our ancestral home in Srinagar. 

               My brother working at RRL jammu had a scope for perusing his studies further and he started completing his PhD degree in chemical engineering at IIT New Delhi under the guidance of a professor of the same Institute. Therefore , he had to spent most of his time at IIT Delhi. 

           Once while  studying at Delhi IIT in the scorching heat of july he scanned the vast expanse of sky to find something but the sky was crystal clear and there was not a speck  of cloud in it to give any clue of coming monsoon . Therefore, he thought  of visiting his family  and  office at Jammu.  It was also  his birthday next day. 

                    When he reached his home at jammu he came to know  that  his  family had already shifted to  Srinagar  for few days to celebrate his birthday with the extended family .  There was a gap of communication those days because there were no mobiles and even telephones were few and far between the localities. At jammu also he could not find any respite from the scorching heat and soltitude . Therefore , he suddenly decided to  visit his ancestral home at Srinagar on the same very day as it was his birthday that day and  in order to give surprise to his family .

           He looked at his watch . It was sharp 9 A. M. Most of the buses from jammu to Sringar used to leave early in the morning . He in order to avail a chance immediately rushed to Bus stand as his clothes were already  packed . After reaching Bus Stand he found most of Srinagar bound buses had left the Bus Stand. There was only one bus waiting to leave. He immediately contacted the Conductor of bus, who informed him that  there was only one seat vacant in the bus as the person who booked that seat has not arrived yet. If he did not turn up within five minutes you can occupy his seat.  After elapse of five minutes , conductor pointed towards my brother and the latter boarded  the bus immediately with his small baggage and bus left the stand. My brother took the seat next to a middle aged sanyasini wearing light saffron coloured dress and a pinch of vermilion pasted on her forehead , because that was the only vacant seat in the bus.

                 After travelling in the bus for an hour or so  both remained silent .Then my brother thought of breaking the ice and ventured to ask her  about her whereabouts and  purpose of her visit to kashmir. She replied him in a very polished manner that she is from Tamil Nadu and  convent  educated.  She became  sanyasini at the age of twenty eight despite  of much dissuation   from her  family  . Her Guru who is from Shankaracharya order  and  he has advised her to visit Shankaracharya temple of  Kashmir . 

" where  does your Guru stay?"asked my brother, nonchalantly .  " He is already dead since last 20 years", she replied . " But how does he communicate with you" , asked my brother again . " oh! it is a visionary contact . You can understand that he comes into my dreams and advises me occasionally," she retorted back. She further told to my brother that she even expressed   her  inability, to her Guru , to  travel   such long distances all alone . But he assured her   that he will arrange for her travel and she   will not feel any difficulty during her sojourn.  My brother did not took her words much seriously and smiled  at her  in affirmative nod. Later on it transpired that her Guru was a sidpurash and he  used to visit her after his Nirvana also.

           Then they talked on various subjects through out their travel  which lasted for about  nine  hours. In the mean time my brother arranged for her breakfast , lunch and snacks etc. from  roadside hotels and dhabas. She used to take  these food articles only when offered to her in her own bowl.  After reaching Srinagar city my brother took her to ShrRamkrishna Ashram in Auto Rickshaw and arranged for her lodging and boarding there through good  resources of Professor Chaman Lal Sapru , who was an active member of the Ashram and friend of our father.

         After few days my brother visited the Ashram again and brought her with him to visit our  home. On that day I saw her first time . She had a very good meeting with my father , who was a very religious man and honest to the core. She enthusiastically looked in   his religious books and took interest in his spiritual pursuits . She also noted down from his books  some important shalokas. I still remember one Krishna bhajan which she copied in her note book from his book.  It was "Adram Madhuram, Naynam  Maduram , mudhardipati akhilam maduram. " 

                         After some time my brother returned to Jammu again to pursue his job and research work. But the sanyasini remained in  Kashmir for a month or so  and visited  Shankarcharya Temple and most of the sacred places located in  Kashmir with the cooperation of Ashram people and other devotees who had become familiar to  her. In her leisure time she also  visited our home  sometimes to have spiritual discourses with our father.  

                Finally when she decided to leave kashmir,  I alongwith my wife visited her at Ashram . We had a long discussion with her in the lawns of Ashram . She discussed with us  various topics which I don't remember now. But only one  thing which  I still  remember  is that she told us  , her Gurudev had said to  her that it will be her first and last visit to kashmir , because situation in Kashmir will deteoriate soon and most of its aborigines  will leave  Kashmir for good. 
I had a good laugh over her utterances and she looked towards me with a grin . I had never thought in my dreams at  that time that  her words will prove right within a very short span of time.