Thursday, 21 May 2020

My Wanderings - 84 The Conclusions

                The   fair mix of successes and failures are very essential for a  balanced life. A person who achieves only successes in life becomes arrogant or  egoistic  and a person who has only  seen failures becomes a  depressed person.   Some Urdu Poet has  aptly said it ..

" Garzishe Ayaam tera shukriya, mai ne har pahloo se zindgee dekh lee

( Thanks to the vagaries  of fate that I have seen life  from all aspects).

                                     As life is a mix of good and bad experiences , the ups and downs in life should be taken as challenges. If life moves smooth and there are no challenges in life, life becomes dull and a person is deprived of the joy of overcoming the difficulties in life. Life is short and we have to live it judiciously.Our aim should be to derive maximum joy from life , as great philosophers have said that...Happy truely is the Great...

               Different persons derive happiness  from different sources .  some people derive happiness by amassing  huge wealth and property , some from meditation and penance and  some get it from indulging in vices like drinking and gambling.  But the question arises can a  person achieve everlasting happiness by doing such things. History bears testimony  to the fact that no rich man  remained  happy throughout his life.Vices likes Drinking etc may give a momentary happiness but it is not everlasting. The meditation etc.may give happiness to a large extent, but it is not also everlasting. In order to achieve this goal a person has to decide before investing, where he can get returns in the form of  everlasting happiness.   

                     Therefore, in my opinion, in order to acheive  everlasting happiness, we should  bring some  creativeness in our life. We should do something , which we love to do consciously, ethically, Spiritually or intllectually , devoid of pecuniary interests and craving for fame.
It can also be a small step towards the great philosophy of  Nishkam Karma as envisaged by Lord Krishna in Bhagwat Gita.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

My Wanderings - 83. The Conflicts

                                   Some  people believe that ninety percent of conflicts in this world are due to ego problems and only ten percent have some monetary or  other considerations behind them.  Normally conflicts  between induduals start with arguements. Mostly both parties are correct from their own point of view but one person can not perceive others point of view.Actually conflict is illusion of perceptions.The people have quite contradictory perceptions on the same subject and  sometimes ego   also plays its own part. One person is  fully aware that  he is wrong but his ego does not allow him to admit this and arguements continue.It is an old saying that you should try to win the will of man rather than arguement. While we strive to win the arguement, we are loosing a friend.Therefore it needs guts to admit it  when you are wrong and when you are right you should never boast of it.  If we are proved right we are in habit of saying that we had already said it so that is not also good habit. One of my friends , whether he agreed with you or not,was in habit of starting his conversation as..
You are absolutely correct sir, and then would explain his point of view.
As we are discussing arguements and conflicts,in a lighter vien , I remember a tale of two friends who were having some dispute and were at loggerheads with each of the friends got seriously ill and was virtually on deathbed at some hospital.  He called his friend and told him that  as he has to  die  soon ,  they  should forget about the dispute and become friends once again .The other friend became very emotional and readily agreed to his proposal. Then other  stood  up to take leave from his friend on bed, the later yelled at him..This agreement is valid only if I die, but If get well ,by the grace of God, then we will have again to settle the scores with each other.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

My Wanderings - 82. The Convictions

Conviction of a person is mostly influenced by his  experience. If you have a good experience of  friendship or a relationship you adore all  friendships or relationships , but if you have a bad experience of the  same you despise them all. Therefore quite  contradictory beliefs develop on the same subject.   Earlier  I cherished the belief that competance of a person depends on the opportunities he gets but with experience I learned that competent is the person who creates opportunities for himself.
But so far opportunities are created by honest and sincere means it is appreciable. But unfortunately  these days opportunities are created by  sycophancy   and nepotism.   By learning this art small favours like  promotions choice transfers and material gains can be achieved. But it should be borne in mind whether the persons from whom such gratifications are sought are worth it. To elucidate  my point of view I narrate a short story. Once a poor man saved the life of  King Akbar in  jungle . Akbar was  happy and told the poor man to come to him whenever he requires any help. One day poor man needed some help and met Akbar.At that time Akbar was busy with Namaz.when Akbar finished poor man asked Akbar what he was doing.Akbar told him that I was preying to Almighty for prosperity and good health.The poor man got astonished and told Akbar I have heard that you are the great person and you can oblige anyone. Here I see you begging yourself  someone else. If I have come to you for your favours , why should not I go to him directly. with these words he left Emperor Akbar's palace  and never returned back.
Convictions  also change when  a person grows up in life  . It is said that young man knows  everything, a middle aged suspects everything and an old man believes everything . It may appear satirical to many but it is not far from reality . Moreover, no person learns from others experience .The experience gained during learning process  forms the basis of one's conviction.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

My Wanderings - 81 The Concepts

                                  To day I opened the window of my  bed  room and a fresh breeze of air entered the room which virtually refreshed my soul and rejuvenated my body  .  I was overwhelmed with joy. I felt enriched with the  treasures  of  nature. The artificial breeze of  Aircondition never  gave me such a joy. This reminded me of a story of  a great philosopher of Greece. His name was  Diogenes .  Once he was sitting on roadside in shabby clothes enjoying the winter Sun, when King of Greece Alexander the great   passed by the same road. Knowing the philosopher very well, he stopped near him and said to him,
"Sir, what I can do for you",  with the intention of helping him. On hearing his words the philosopher replied, yes you can do one thing for me I.e. you can move ahead so that sun rays will directly fall on me which you are obstructing this time. Some times we take far granted the treasures  of nature and the faculties provided to us by nature to enjoy them. 

                Rhonda Byrne in his book  The Secret says that all  the wealth of nature including  good health, material gains and good relations are waiting at our doors, but we do not open our doors because of our negative attitude.
Our  psychology has a great impact on our  physiology.  A person's mind plays great role in keeping his body healthy . If  a person thinks that he is healthy , hardly any disease  can attack  him but if he always thinks that his health is deteriorating and he is suffering   from  such and such illness , he is bound to get that disease.   Moreover ,Placebo  effect plays its own role.  It is a beneficial effect produced by the placebo drug or treatment, which can not be attributed to the properties of that drug itself, but  to the belief in that drug or treatment.  Sometimes a patient gets  cured by just prescribing to him  some  ordinary tablets  because patient remains  under impression that he is taking some high dose of quality  medicines  for his  particular disease. 
                                 A man is wealthy because he knows the secret of attracting money by positive thoughts. One should  forget that only bad persons are rich. We   feel concerned  about the expenses which we are incurring on daily basis and think only about the bills , the payment of which we are supposed to make at the end of month. We never think about the cheques and credits which we are likely to receive in our accounts to take care of our bills. If we think about our cheques
we may  surely receive them.  Otherwise we are bidding farewell to them. That is the only difference in the thinking of wealthy man and poor man.
                               A person has good relations because he makes a room for them. Once a person's marriage was not maturing . The problem was that he was occupying the whole bed  and never made  room in his wardrobe for the clothes of any other person . When he was advised to change his attitude, he got married to a beautiful match. If a person  wants  to make  good friends or relations , he has to  initiate himself and welcome others . Otherwise no person will come towards him  even if  he is a celebrity .