Every individual in this world may not be perfect, but certainly possesses a fair mix of good and bad qualities. The quantum of mix may vary from person to person. The good qualities of one person may over weigh his bad qualities and in case of another person reverse may be true. But it is universal truth that we are in habit of exploiting only bad qualities of a person rather than recognizing the good qualities present in him. Good qualities of a person are always taken for granted and are rarely acknowledged. Instead of exploiting bad qualities of a person, if good qualities present in him are accounted for and occasionally expressed to him, it will bring more goodness out of him and can also produce reciprocal effect to the large extent. Moreover, exploiting bad qualities of a person and constantly pointing about it to him will leave the person dejected and make him useless for all. The approach of highlighting the good qualities of a person in a positive manner sometimes, help in lessening his bad qualities also. The positive approach will also change the scenario of our relationships altogether and such relationships can prove beneficial for us.
The qualities of an individual may range from his personality to behavior and bringing in its fold his cumulative disposition. In order to find good qualities in a person we are obliged to take interest in his personality. There is always scope for a good quality in a person, whatsoever bad he may be. Finding of a good quality in a person genuinely and expressing the same honestly must be essence of our approach, otherwise it may amount to psycho fancy.
If we sincerely praise a person for his hair style or a sense of dress, he will feel elated and devoid of any tension or boredom in his life at least for that day. Same is true in case a person is appreciated honestly for his intelligence or good work done by him, he will try to mould himself to your expectations and can derive maximum satisfaction from the modest means provided to him by life. This approach sometimes works like a magic wand and performs miracles in life.
Money is important to make our lives smooth by providing the basic necessities of life to us, but it is not our ultimate aim. In addition to money, purpose in life and recognition is also necessary for our individual growth. Otherwise there is no difference in lives of men and animals. There are scores of examples in support of this view point. All rags to riches stories in this world bear testimony to the fact that a small encouragement or some recognition of their work by someone at some stage of life have made them to go ahead and realize their dreams.
It is a well known fact that a person can never be perfect. Perfectness is not human ,it is divine, but err is human, imperfect ness is human. There can never be a dispute over this. Nature has provided different qualities to different persons. Some persons are very intelligent. Some persons are not so very intelligent. Some persons are literate and some persons are illiterate. But nature has bestowed some special powers to some persons who have been deprived from other qualifications. I remember a couplet in Urdu which I want to quote here.
Aay Dene wale too ne kami na ki
Ab kis
KO kya mila yeh mukadar ki baat hai
Oh! God you have not deprived any one from your graciousness
But fate of person decides how much one is entitled to receive
Intelligent and literate persons are not usually so bold because before starting a scuffle with some one they think about the consequences of it. They think about all the pros and con's of situation, they think about all legal delicacies of case which hinders them to take any bold step or a timely action and make them timid in the eyes of others. Actually they do not want to take law in their own hands. However, on the other hand an illiterate or ignorant person with out thinking about the pros and con's of situation will reciprocate in time and that will make them bold in the eyes of others. Many times actual meaning of words loose their significance and we start believing in the meaning of it derived by others.